Cover Osteuropa 1-2/2006

In Osteuropa 1-2/2006

Expropriated by the Nazis, Located in Russia
Victor von Klemperers Incunabulum Collection

Sabine Rudolph

Deutsche Fassung


During their rule, the National Socialists deprived Jewish collectors of numerous objects of art. For little or no fee, many of those confiscated works were transferred to museums that had indicated some interest in them. Among these was Victor von Klemperer’s incunabulum collection. Works of art that made their way to what then became the Soviet zone of occupation changed hands several times after the war. As part of museum holdings, they were confiscated by Soviet trophy commissions and transported to the Soviet Union. To this day, the von Klemperer Collection remains in Russia – in flagrant violation of Russian legislation.

(Osteuropa 1-2/2006, pp. 141–154)