Cover Osteuropa 2-3/2007

In Osteuropa 2-3/2007

Liberalised, Monopolised and Fixed
Antinomies of the European Energy Market

Kirsten Westphal

Deutsche Fassung


The European Union defines cooperation in energy policy as a key issue in the Neighbourhood Policy. Since 2006, the EU has tried to promote supply security, sustainability and competition as principles of energy policy in neighbouring countries. With that, the EU has taken a new direction in both energy policy and geo-strategy. However, competition in the energy sector has already run up against claims of national sovereignty within the EU. The expansion of the EU energy policy in the broader region is a difficult but important element in the institutionalisation of international energy relations.

(Osteuropa 2-3/2007, pp. 241–256)

Read this article's international version:
Liberalized, Monopolized, Fixated