Cover Osteuropa 5-6/2015

In Osteuropa 5-6/2015
Teil des Lesepaket Internationale Beziehungen

Ambitious but Ambivalent
Russia’s Security Policy in Northeast Asia

Margarete Klein

Deutsche Fassung


Russia has announced a turn to Asia. China, Japan and both Koreas remain second-ary for Moscow security policy. In the conflict with the West, a “strategic partnership” with China promises the most symbolic capital. Simultaneously, the unspoken fear of a dominance of a demographically, economically, and militarily superior China is great. Therefore, Moscow is expanding its relations to Japan and to South and North Korea. Cooperation with the United States over the conflict in Europe remains on the backburner, although Moscow and Washington have similar interests in Northeast Asia.

(Osteuropa 5-6/2015, pp. 67–84)