Cover Osteuropa 3-4/2020

In Osteuropa 3-4/2020

Memorial under pressure
The techniques used by the repressive state in Russia

Irina Ščerbakova

Deutsche Fassung


The situation for NGOs in Russia has become more and more difficult. The state is becoming increasingly repressive and is exerting ever stricter control over them. One of the organisations that is suffering is Memorial. Several regional groups have been declared “foreign agents”. They are randomly inspected, prosecuted and ordered to pay financial penalties. The head of the Memorial Human Rights Centre in Chechnya was found guilty following farcical judicial proceedings, while for a second time, the head of Memorial in Karelia faces prosecution on the basis of manipulated witness statements. The aim of the repressive state is to discredit, defame and destroy Memorial. However, it has failed to do so, and solidarity remains unbroken.

(Osteuropa 3-4/2020, pp. 215–228)