Cover Osteuropa 4-5/2022

In Osteuropa 4-5/2022

War Produces Hunger
The Consequences of Russia’s Invasion for Ukrainian Agricul-ture and Global Food Security

Stephan von Cramon-Taubadel

Deutsche Fassung


Due to their fertile black earth soils and modernized agricultural sectors, Ukraine and Russia have become important exporters of grain in recent years. Russia’s attack on its neighbour has had significant consequences for Ukraine’s agricultural sector and grain exports. The impact on food security in many of the world’s poorer countries is massive given the already strained situation on agricultural markets. The overland export of grain from Ukraine urgently needs to be accelerated and expanded. Russia’s war against Ukraine demonstrates that German agricultural policy must be considered in a more global way in order to prevent hunger and the political unrest associated with it.

(Osteuropa 4-5/2022, pp. 13–28)