With Risks and Side-Effects
Russia’s Economic Relations with China and the West's Sanctions
Deutsche Fassung
Moscow’s war against Ukraine and the sanctions imposed by the West have led to a sharp intensification of economic relations between Russia and China. Trade in particular rose sharply after a brief slump in spring 2022. China is supplying Russia with many of the things Moscow can no longer import from the West or produce on its own. The importance of the Chinese yuan has in-creased significantly for Russia due to the sanctions. At the same time, the sanctions are also hindering the expansion of cooperation in certain areas. Chinese companies continue to invest little in Russia. Cooperation is stalling, especially in high-tech sectors. For Russia, trade with China is currently crucial in order to mitigate the effects of the sanctions. However, there is no pro-spect of any integration with China as there once was with the West.
(Osteuropa 7-9/2023, pp. 239–252)