Cover Osteuropa 4/2024

In Osteuropa 4/2024

Block, Monitor, Punish
Internet control in Russia

Alena Epifanova

Deutsche Fassung


Since its invasion of Ukraine, Russia has introduced comprehensive internet censorship. The legal and technical foundations have been put in place since 2012 and applied to a lesser extent. Today, the state blocks access to web-sites and social media on a large scale. It is possible to circumvent such hur-dles, but the regime is also trying to prevent this. At the same time, compre-hensive monitoring of digital communication takes place. Any statement, even in private emails and chats, can lead to political criminal proceedings. But that’s not all: The regime also actively controls the digital dissemination of desirable news. And it is working on creating a super app based on the Chi-nese model. By means of this app, the transparent subject will handle all of his or her private communications and exchanges with the authorities and banks.

(Osteuropa 4/2024, pp. 69–77)