Cover Osteuropa 2-4/2014

In Osteuropa 2-4/2014

The “Foreign War” and the “New State”
Polish Art 1914–1918

Lidia Głuchowska

Deutsche Fassung


The First World War was a period of radical change for Polish art, but also one that harkened back to tradition. Artists and writers processed their experiences as soldiers not only by documenting their trials, but by cultivating a romanticized, backward-looking utopia centred on a revival of the republic of nobles. At the same time, they helped politicians mentally anticipate the new state. In Poland, there were also debates about the “new form” in art. Nonetheless, Poland, which was still engaged in a struggle over its borders, faced a delicate geopolitical situation. This led to more nationalism in the modern form in art and literature. The international avantgarde never became stylish in Poland. A “national style” oriented on folk art became the new state’s calling card.

(Osteuropa 2-4/2014, pp. 291–316)